- Introduction. Magnusson M.S., et al.
- Preface. Anguera M. T.
Part 1 - Human Behavior
1. Time and Self-similar Structure in Behavior and Interactions: From Sequences to Symmetry and Fractals. Magnusson M.S.
2. Interactive Deception In Group Decision-Making: New Insights From Communication Pattern Analysis. Burgoon J., et al.
3. Imposing Cognitive Load To Detect Prepared Lies: A T-Pattern Approach. Zurloni V., et al.
4. Paraverbal Communicative Teaching T-patterns using SOCIN and SOPROX observational systems. Castañer M., et al.
5. The Self-Organization of Self-Injurious Behavior as Revealed Through Temporal Pattern Analyses. Kemp A., et al.
6. Detecting and Characterizing Patterns of Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia. Woods D.L., et al.
7. Typical errors and behavioral sequences in judo techniques: knowledge of performance and the analysis of T-patterns in relation to teaching and learning the Ouchi-gari throw. Prieto I., et al.
8. Qualitative differences in men's and women's facial movements in an experimental situation. Racca A., et al.9. Understanding Film Art: Moments Of Impact And Patterns Of Reactions. Suckfüll M. and Unz D
10. Immersive Dynamics: Presence Experiences And Patterns Of Attention. M. Brill et al.
11. Accessing Individual Style Th
rough Proposed Use Of Theme Associates. Quaeghebeur L. and McNeill D. Part 2 - Animal and Neuronal Behavior (Non-Human Behavior)12. Application Of T-Pattern Analysis In The Study Of Rodent Behavior: Methodological And Experimental Highlights. Casarrubea M. et al
13. Using Hidden Behavioral Patterns To Study Nausea In A Preclinical Model. Horn C. and Magnusson M.S.
14. Informative Value Of Vocalizations During Multimodal Interactions In Red-Capped Mangabeys. Baraud I., et al.
15. Identification And Description Of Behaviours And Domination Patterns In Captive Vervet Monkeys (Cercophitecus Aethiops Pygerythrus) During Feeding Time. Ortiz G., et al.
16. Tidal Location Of Atlantic Cod In Icelandic Waters And Identification Of Vertical And Horizontal Movement Patterns In Cod Behavior. Jonsson G. et al.17. Complex Spike Patterns in Olfactory Bulb Neuronal Networks. Nicol A. et al.
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