Doctor, Amy, Rory, and new
traveling companion Kevin - a
cybernetic dinosaur - find a
scientific crew under attack from a
giant, Cthulhloid space squid! Also,
the two-part "Bodysnatchers"
where the crew find themselves
inside an alien asylum and discover
that many of the human patients
within actually house the minds of
some of the Doctor's most terrifying
Combined in one volume, this
collection includes a fantastic cover
gallery, showcasing the covers from
the original issues including
stunning art by Tommy Lee
Author: Tim Hamilton, Matthew Dow Smith et. al.
Collecting the first three complete story arcs of Doctor Who Series 2, don't miss out on these fantastic
THE RIPPER: The Eleventh Doctor era begins here! Join the eleventh incarnation of the Doctor and his
latest companions, Amy Pond and her husband Rory Williams, as they travel to the far reaches of space -
a planet populated by holograms - and the distant past - where they become embroiled in the Jack the
Ripper murders in Victorian London.
WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE: Join the Doctor and his companions, Amy and Rory, as they travel to the
far reaches of space - a vacation planet built on a rift where multiple alternate adventures overlay each
other - and the distant past - where our heroes must face Vikings to save their friend and the future of
IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE: The Doctor, Amy, Rory, and new travelling companion Kevin - a
cybernetic dinosaur - find a scientific crew under attack from a giant, Cthulhloid space squid! Also, the
two-part "Bodysnatchers" where the crew find themselves inside an alien asylum and discover that many
of the human patients within actually house the minds of some of the Doctor's most terrifying enemies!
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