Cuál es el peor miedo al que te has enfrentado durante el embarazo?Es natural que al recibir la noticia pases de la emoción a un mar de preguntas y cuidados basados en creencias populares o experiencias ajenas. Todos te dan consejos sin que se los pidas y son más los mitos que las verdades. Por eso Emily Oster, destacada economista, se dio a la tarea de investigar a profundidad las opiniones sobre el embarazo y comprobar la veracidad de estas. Ella descubrió información basada en estudios cientÃficos que te liberará de muchos pensamientos y hábitos errados desde las primeras semanas de gestación hasta el parto. Por ejemplo, tomar café no afecta en el desarrollo de tu bebé, puedes comer jamón serrano sin preocupaciones y beber una copa de vino al dÃa no te hará daño. Llegó la hora de dejar de consultar a Google y de vivir el embarazo sin angustias.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION"Emily Oster is the non-judgmental girlfriend holding our hand and guiding us through pregnancy and motherhood. She has done the work to get us the hard facts in a soft, understandable way." --Amy Schumer What to Expect When You're Expecting meets Freakonomics: an award-winning economist disproves standard recommendations about pregnancy to empower women while they're expecting. From the author of Cribsheet and The Family Firm
, a data-driven decision making guide to the early years of parenting Pregnancy--unquestionably one of the most pro-found, meaningful experiences of adulthood--can reduce otherwise intelligent women to, well, babies. Pregnant women are told to avoid cold cuts, sushi, alcohol, and coffee without ever being told why these are forbidden. Rules for prenatal testing are similarly unexplained. Moms-to-be desperately want a resource that empowers them to make their own right choices.
When award-winning economist Emily Oster was a mom-to-be herself, she evaluated the data behind the accepted rules of pregnancy, and discovered that most are often misguided and some are just flat-out wrong. Debunking myths and explaining everything from the real effects of caffeine to the surprising dangers of gardening, Expecting Better is the book for every pregnant woman who wants to enjoy a healthy and relaxed pregnancy--and the occasional glass of wine.
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