This Encyclopediabrings together jurists, computer scientists, and data analysts to uncover the challenges, opportunities, and fault lines that arise as these groups are increasingly thrown together by expanding attempts to regulate and adapt to a data-driven world. It explains the concepts and tools at the crossroads of the many disciplines involved in data science and law, bridging scientific and applied domains. Entries span algorithmic fairness, consent, data protection, ethics, healthcare, machine learning, patents, surveillance, transparency and vulnerability.
Comprehensive yet accessible, this Encyclopedia will be an indispensable resource for scholars of law, data science, artificial intelligence and law and technology. It also contains practical implications for a manifold of users: from domain experts to policy makers, from businesses to practitioners.
Key Features:
- The first Encyclopedic coverage of the field of Law and Data Science
- Over 60 entries
- Entries organized alphabetically for ease of reference
- Full analytical index
- Interrelated multidisciplinary perspectives
- Unique accessibility for non-experts.
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