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Encyclopedia of Cell Biology

Encyclopedia of Cell Biology

Publication Date: 02/09/2015

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The Encyclopedia of Cell Biology offers a broad overview of cell biology, offering reputable, foundational content for researchers and students across the biological and medical sciences. This important work includes 285 articles from domain experts covering every aspect of cell biology, with fully annotated figures, abundant illustrations, videos, and references for further reading. Each entry is built with a layered approach to the content, providing basic information for those new to the area and more detailed material for the more experienced researcher. With authored contributions by experts in the field, the Encyclopedia of Cell Biology provides a fully cross-referenced, one-stop resource for students, researchers, and teaching faculty across the biological and medical sciences.

  • Fully annotated color images and videos for full comprehension of concepts, with layered content for readers from different levels of experience
  • Includes information on cytokinesis, cell biology, cell mechanics, cytoskeleton dynamics, stem cells, prokaryotic cell biology, RNA biology, aging, cell growth, cell Injury, and more
  • In-depth linking to Academic Press/Elsevier content and additional links to outside websites and resources for further reading
  • A one-stop resource for students, researchers, and teaching faculty across the biological and medical sciences
Publication Date:
Elsevier Science & Technology Books
Country of origin:
United States
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