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Encyclopedia of Food Grains

Encyclopedia of Food Grains

by Jonathan FaubionColin W. Wrigley and Koushik Seetharaman
Publication Date: 08/01/2016

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The Encyclopedia of Food Grains is an in-depth and authoritative reference covering all areas of grain science. Coverage includes everything from the genetics of grains to the commercial, economic and social aspects of this important food source. Also covered are the biology and chemistry of grains, the applied aspects of grain production and the processing of grains into various food and beverage products. With the paramount role of cereals as a global food source, this Encyclopedia is sure to become the standard reference work in the field of science.

Also available online via ScienceDirect - featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy. For more information, pricing options and availability visit

  • Written from an international perspective the Encyclopedia concentrates on the food uses of grains, but details are also provided about the wider roles of grains
  • Well organized and accessible, it is the ideal resource for students, researchers and professionals seeking an authoritative overview on any particular aspect of grain science
  • This second edition has four print volumes which provides over 200 articles on food grains
  • Includes extensive cross-referencing and "Further Reading" lists at the end of each article for deeper exploration into the topic
  • This edition also includes useful items for students and teachers alike, with Topic Highlights, Learning objectives, Exercises for Revision and exercises to explore the topic further
Botany & plant sciences
Publication Date:
Elsevier Science & Technology Books
Country of origin:
United States
2nd Edition

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