These days current events are fraught with political animosity, global pandemic, warfare, gun violence, and economic insecurity. The troubling times that we live in leave us uncertain where we stand and in what direction we are going. So it is with good reason that anxiety levels have peaked and the affliction has extended to almost every segment of society--whether they like to admit it or not. We may not be able to change the world but End Anxiety!: Proven Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation® Program, by James Meade, PhD shows us how we can help ourselves. The problem is real, so what can we do about it? In End Anxiety!, James Meade offers an instant and lasting solution--the Transcendental Meditation® program, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This may at first seem like a novel approach to the issue, but studies on the effects of Transcendental Meditation® on the mental states of its practitioners have been ongoing for over fifty years and the findings are conclusive: Transcendental Meditation can have a real and powerful positive impact on our mental health, especially in terms of mitigating anxiety, stress, and depression.
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