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Energy Transition

Energy Transition

by Bertrand Cassoret
Publication Date: 23/02/2021

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This book presents both the importance of energy transition and its associated difficulties. Energy Transition, Second Edition, provides an explanation of the physical concepts of energy and power and also reviews global energy consumption and our dependence on energy.

The book discusses the links between the economy and energy. It explains the drawbacks and dangers of different energy sources and tries to compare them. By reviewing future energy resources, it evaluates several transition scenarios.

The book shows that the laws of physics prevent the emergence of simple, pleasant solutions, but it proposes potential solutions and encourages readers to develop better processes from energy sources to production to consumption.

This book will be of interest to engineers and undergraduate and graduate students studying and working in various fields of energy; producers of fossil, gas, oil, coal, electric, renewable, and nuclear energy; and anyone interested in better understanding these fundamental problems for our future.


Discusses the current issues with energy transition

Covers several energy transition scenarios and their associated difficulties

Presents the links between economy and energy

Highlights the importance of a global discussion of energy

Encourages the development of better, improved processes in energy sources from production to consumption
Energy technology & engineering
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis Ltd
Country of origin:
United Kingdom
2nd Edition
Dimensions (mm):

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