Equity, Equality, and Empathy: What Principals Can Do for the Well-Being of the Learning Community presents seven principal actions detailing how to develop a successful well-being program. Moreover, leadership processes are advanced to aid principals in embracing, encouraging, and amplifying equity, equality, and empathy, as well as social and emotional learning.
This book is written to guide principals in understanding that far too many social injustices plague not only the nation but school systems as well. Revealed are TOP-10 Steps to Quality Leadership effective in guiding campus leaders when working with others in overcoming biases, prejudices, and discriminatory actions and practices. Additionally, fourteen school-oriented processes to eradicating racism in schools are identified and addressed.
Equity, Equality, and Empathy promotes seven elements of empathy and how they are critical tools for effective school leadership. Seven habits of highly empathetic principals are explored along with five-steps to a principal establishing and maintaining a learning community culture of empathy. Finally, this book provides school leaders with a critical skills inventory which investigates how principals personally react to social and emotional learning, organizational well-being, and empathy, equity, and equality leadership.
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