Si has leido la primera novela grafica de Alison Bechdel, Fun Home. Una familia tragicomica, puedes obviar este texto de contraportada para sumergirte inmediatamente en la lectura de uno de los libros del ano.
Si, por el contrario, todavia no has leido a Alison Bechdel, estas de enhorabuena, pues en este nuevo relato grafico Bechdel ha superado un talento artistico que ya le ha valido un sinfin de premios y aplausos por parte de la critica y de los lectores.
En ?Eres mi madre? Bechdel nos describe la relacion con su madre, una mujer muy especial: lectora voraz, amante de la musica, apasionada actriz amateur y esposa infeliz a causa de la homosexualidad de su marido, una mujer cuyas aspiraciones artisticas crecieron coincidiendo con la infancia de Alison. Con un estilo conmovedor a la vez que agudo, Bechdel busca respuestas a su infancia en este maravilloso recorrido por su vida.
"Tan complicada, inteligente, inventiva y satisfactoria como la mejor memoria narrativa" -New York Times Book Review
The New York Times-bestselling graphic memoir about Alison Bechdel, author of Fun Home, becoming the artist her mother wanted to be.
Alison Bechdel's Fun Home was a pop culture and literary phenomenon. Now, a second thrilling tale of filial sleuthery, this time about her mother: voracious reader, music lover, passionate amateur actor. Also, a woman, unhappily married to a closeted gay man, whose artistic aspirations simmered under the surface of Bechdel's childhood...and who stopped touching or kissing her daughter good night, forever, when she was seven.
Poignantly, hilariously, Bechdel embarks on a quest for answers concerning the mother-daughter gulf. It's a richly layered search that leads readers from the fascinating life and work of the iconic twentieth-century psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott to one explosively illuminating Dr. Seuss illustration, to Bechdel's own (serially monogamous) adult love life. And, finally, back to Mother-to a truce, fragile and real-time, that will move and astonish all adult children of gifted mothers.
A New York Times, USA Today, Time, Slate, and Barnes & Noble Best Book of the Year
"As complicated, brainy, inventive and satisfying as the finest prose memoirs." -New York Times Book Review
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