The first section of the book provides a context for ethical thinking and behaviour. It covers the foundation stones of legal ethics theory upon which ethical legal practice can be built. The remainder of the book places that ethical framework into the legal professional context.
Written expressly for students in all Australian jurisdictions, the book presents concepts succinctly and accessibly, allowing readers to grasp the essence, both theoretical and practical, of developing an ethical professional mindset. In addition to explanatory commentary, it includes plentiful additional resources to provide clarity and guidance. These include exercises, discussion questions, extensive reading lists and appendices of relevant information.
- Succinct and accessible explanations of complex concepts
- Contextualises ethics theory to provide relevance to students
- Demonstrates relevance of ethical thinking to legal practice
- Includes key cases, exercises, discussion questions and extensive further reading
- Supported by suite of online learning resources
Related Titles
Ebejer, LexisNexis Questions & Answers: Legal Practice and Ethics, 2nd ed, 2016 Macfarlane & Ross, Ethics, Professional Responsibility and Legal Practice, 2017 Ross, Ethics in Law: Lawyers' Responsibility and Accountability, 6th ed, 2013
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