Whether he's contemplating the possibility of life after death, deconstructing popular Christmas carols, or just calling bullsh*t on Donald Trump's apprentice training, Jillette does not fail to shock and delight his readers. And as ever, underneath these rollicking rants lie a deeply personal philosophy and a generous spirit, which find joy and meaning in family, and peace in the simple beauty of the everyday. Every Day Is an Atheist Holiday! is a hysterical affirmation of life's magic from one of the most distinctly perceptive and provocative humorists writing today.
More Magical Tales from the Bestselling Author of God, No!
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Whether he's contemplating the possibility of life after death, deconstructing popular Christmas carols, or just calling bullsh*t on Donald Trump's apprentice training, Jillette does not fail to shock and delight his readers. And as ever, underneath these rollicking rants lie a deeply personal philosophy and a generous spirit, which find joy and meaning in family, and peace in the simple beauty of the everyday. Every Day Is an Atheist Holiday! is a hysterical affirmation of life's magic from one of the most distinctly perceptive and provocative humorists writing today.
- 9780142180273
- 9780142180273
- Category:
- Humour
- Age range:
- + years old
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 31-07-2014
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Penguin Books Ltd
- Country of origin:
- United Kingdom
- Pages:
- 304
- Dimensions (mm):
- 203x132x18mm
- Weight:
- 0.27kg
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