Setting the Scene: This sets out the origins of NLP and the key 'pillars' of thinking on which it is built. It looks at the importance of the Unconscious Mind in determining the behavior of human beings and its role therefore in changing behaviors of ourselves and others.
Believe It!: Looks at the power and importance of our beliefs and values in how we live our lives, how we relate to others, and how we can help ourselves to achieve change.
Tune-Up...Tune In: This part focuses on how we build relationships with others by paying attention to them and being self-aware.
Move Your Mind: Moving and learning are very closely associated. By physically moving we can understand situations and our own part in them more effectively. This section, in particular, has exercises where the reader can experience this for themselves.
Choose Your Words: How we use language gives us information about how we are thinking and perhaps how we are limiting ourselves; hence noticing language patterns is a useful way to help ourselves and others. Language can also be used to influence and inspire so choosing our words is a very important skill.
Talk to Me: Continuing the linguistic theme this part explores the importance of listening asking questions and giving and receiving feedback.
Reset the Picture: The key message of this part is that we can change how we and others think in a much more resourceful way. We can help ourselves and others to look at situations differently and see new possibilities. We can also help ourselves and others maintain positive states which have a direct impact on our effectiveness.
Plot Your Path: This final part is looking forward to the goals we want to set and what we need to do to achieve them
The book also has a glossary of the terms used in the book which should be particularly useful to those new to NLP.
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