Examples & Explanations for Legislation, Statutory Interpretation, and Election Law, Second Edition is an up-to-date, user-friendly, and clear student-oriented treatise tackling the complex subjects in this field, including statutory interpretation, lobbying, bribery, redistricting, campaign finance law, and voting rights. The Second Edition is suitable for use with courses in Legislation and Regulation, Statutory Interpretation, Election Law, Voting Rights, and Campaign Finance. Written by Richard L. Hasen, one of the leading voices in the field of election law and legislation, no other statutory supplement is as comprehensive, up to date, and full of examples (and answers) to test student knowledge as Examples & Explanations for Legislation, Statutory Interpretation, and Election Law, Second Edition.
New to the 2nd Edition:
- Coverage through the Supreme Court's June 2019 decisions, including partisan gerrymandering, court deference to agency interpretations, and the litigation over a citizenship question on the 2020 census
- Updated discussion of textualist methods of statutory interpretation following the death of Justice Scalia and the arrival of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
- Consideration of how increased political polarization shapes the legislative process and judicial review of legislation
- Updated material on campaign finance and voting rights
Professors and students will benefit from:
- Straightforward presentation of often complex statutory and constitutional questions
- Examples based upon real cases and easy-to-understand explanations
- The book's suitability to a variety of courses including: Legislation, Statutory Interpretation, Legislation Regulation, Election Law, Voting Rights, and Campaign Finance
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