The A-Z Adventure series is an innovative concept that utilises Ordnance Survey 1:25000 mapping in a book, therefore eliminating the need to fold and re-fold a large sheet map to the desired area. OS 1:25000 is Ordnance Survey's most detailed mapping, showing public rights of way, open access land, national parks, tourist information, car parks, public houses and camping and caravan sites.
Unlike the original OS sheets, this A-Z Adventure Atlas includes a comprehensive index to towns, villages, hamlets and locations, natural features, nature reserves, car parks and youth hostels, making it quick and easy to use. Each index entry has a page reference and a six figure National Grid Reference. At a book size of 240mm x 134mm it is the same size as the standard folded OS map.
This A-Z Adventure Atlas of Exmoor covers the whole 267 square miles of Exmoor National Park. From high coastal heaths in the north to open moorland and wooded valleys to the south, this uniquely diverse landscape is just waiting to be explored.
This A-Z Adventure Atlas of Exmoor features 64 pages of continuous Ordnance Survey mapping covering:
*Coombe Martin
*Exmoor National Park
Also featured is advice about safety and security when walking or mountain biking and a selection of QR codes linked to useful websites.
This A-Z Adventure Atlas has the accuracy and quality of OS 1:25000 mapping indexed within a book, making it the perfect companion for walkers, off-road cyclists, horse riders and anyone wishing to explore the great outdoors.
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