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Exploring Digital Libraries

Exploring Digital Libraries

Foundations, Practice, Prospects

by Karen Calhoun
Publication Date: 01/01/2014

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A landmark textbook on digital libraries for LIS students, educators and practising information professionals throughout the world.

Exploring Digital Libraries

is a highly readable, thought-provoking authorative and in-depth treatment of the digital library arena that provides an up-to-date overview of the progress, nature and future impact of digital libraries, from their collections and technology-centred foundations over two decades ago to their emergent, community-centred engagement with the social web.This essential textbook:

Brings students and working librarians up to date on the progress, nature and impact of digital libraries, bridging the gap since the publication of the best-known digital library texts

Frames digital library research and practice in the context of the social web and makes the case for moving beyond collections to a new emphasis on libraries' value to their communities

Introduces several new frameworks and novel syntheses that elucidate digital library themes, suggest strategic directions, and break new ground in the digital library literature.

Calls a good deal of attention to digital library research, but is written from the perspective of strategy and in-depth experience

Provides a global perspective and integrates material from many sources in one place - the chapters on open repositories and hybrid libraries draw together past, present and prospective work in a way that is unique in the literature.


: Exploring Digital Libraries suits the needs of a range of readers, from working librarians and library leaders to LIS students and educators, or anyone who wants a highly readable and thought-provoking overview of the field and its importance to the future of libraries.
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Facet Publishing
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United Kingdom
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