The third magical book in the festive series, which began with A Boy Called Christmas and continued with The Girl Who Saved Christmas, from number one bestselling author Matt Haig, and featuring enchanting illustrations from Chris Mould
When Amelia Wishart was rescued from a life of misery by Father Christmas she imagined life would be magical and fantastic. But it isn't always easy, growing up as a human in Elfhelm. For one thing, elf school can be annoying when you have to sing Christmas songs everyday even in July and when you fail all your toy-making tests.
Also it can get very, very cold.Amelia knows her adopted parents the newly married Father Christmas and Mary Christmas care for her very much. Father Christmas is even writing a guide book for her. But she sometimes wonders if there is more to life than eating gingerbread and decorating Christmas trees.
When a very jealous Easter Bunny and his Rabbit Army launch an attack to stop Christmas, Amelia starts to realise the value of everything in Elfhelm, and joins with her new family and fellow elves to keep Christmas alive. . .
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