Down on his luck, Malik--an intelligent, young Black man with an engineering degree--delivers fast food just to make ends meet. His girlfriend left him, his grandmother thinks he's a disappointment, and his hopes and ambitions are slipping away. He doesn't think his life could get any worse...until an APB on a suspected criminal that matches Malik's description puts him at odds with Officer Brown, a cop with a chip on his shoulder who is known to escalate tense situations.
Now, Florence and Normandie--the cross street infamous as the flashpoint of the 1992 LA Riots--may just be the last thing Malik sees if he makes one wrong move...but little does he know that this landmark corner is about to find itself at the center of another seminal moment in American history: The world's first alien invasion!
Can these two men from polar opposite backgrounds put aside their differences long enough to find a way to save Los Angeles...or will they kill each other first?
- 9798218434175
- 9798218434175
- Science fiction
- Format:
- Hardback
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Zombie Love Studios
- Country of origin:
- United States
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