Are you struggling to clear your credit card debt? Are you afraid to open those monthly bills? Does your mortgage weigh you down? Would you like to know how to use loans for growing your wealth?
Whatever your situation, Paul Clitheroe - one of Australia's most trusted financial experts - shows you here, step-by-step, how to manage your debt and regain control of your finances.
Using experience gained from his Money TV program, and the popular Money magazine, and including actual case studies, Paul offers straightforward advice on how to-
- Avoid the most common debt traps
- Identify and control problem spending
- Create (and stick to) an achievable budget
- Overcome credit card problems
- Repay your mortgage faster
- Eliminate 'bad' debt Use 'good' debt to increase your wealth
If you are overwhelmed by your finances, facing serious debt problems or just want to know how to manage your current finances better, this one-stop guide will help you tackle debt now to fast-track a path to a better financial future.
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