Learn how to analyze a company's financial reports and business, and you can make great returns by buying stocks below their true value. That's the way Warren Buffett made his $96.3 billion. It's the way Peter Lynch took the Fidelity Magellan fund from zero to hero - making a 29 percent annual return and increasing the value of each $1,000 invested in the fund on day one to $28,000 when he retired.
Tiffany James started with a single investment in Tesla back in 2019. She built her initial investment into a $2m portfolio and now runs online community Modern Blk Girl.
Ishfaq Peerally is an investor from Mauritius who is one of the top value investors on eToro. He's turned $10,000 in September 2016 into $83,000 by April 2022!
They've vastly increased their wealth by investing in stocks. And you could join them!
But a lot of beginning investors lose money time after time, because there are 6 basic skills they haven't acquired:
1. They don't know how to read a company's financial statements;
2. they don't know how to assess a company's value;
3. they don't know how to calculate basic ratios to assess the health of the business;
4. they don't know how to set a target buy price for a stock;
5. they don't know how to check whether the CEO is telling the whole truth;
6. they don't have the discipline and patience to do the research, or to wait for the stock to perform.
This book will make sure that you acquire the skills you need. Here is just a fraction of the detailed advice you can expect in this book;
How to spot the kind of stocks that made Warren Buffett nearly $100 billion - Page 138
The 10 misconceptions most beginners have about fundamental analysis - Page 18
What do professional analyst mean by looking "underneath the skin" - Page 89
If I told you a business had a P/E ratio of 28, would it be overvalued or undervalued? Learn more on page 156
The untold truth on why reading "back to front" is so important- Page 33
What caused these 6 reliable companies to go bust - Page 137
Why this is the only time you should ask your friends for advice - Page 56
When does Americas top investor Peter Lynch thinks a good growth company should be sold? Read more on page 123
How you could easily spot red flags of a company's management - Page 152
The best places you should check to view other analyst expectations - Page 38
If I promise to pay you $161 in five years' time, what is that promise worth right now? Find out on page 171
...and much, much more.
Plus on Page 7, you'll also get our free bonus video masterclass; Company Valuation Simplified Masterclass.
This is not a dense 600 page theoretical textbook. It's written in plain English and free from repetitive technical jargon. You'll find easy-to-follow advice, plus concrete examples of everything we teach.
So even if you've never read a single investment book in your life, this book on its own will give you all the basics that you need to understand to become a successful investor in stocks.
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