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Global Business

Global Business

Publication Date: 09/10/2015

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Introduce your students to success in global business today with a strategic approach to international business topics and unique coverage not found in other texts. Global Business, 4th Edition, is the first global business book that asks the big question, "What determines the success and failure of firms around the globe?" Globally renowned scholar and author Mike Peng answers from both an institution-based view and resource-based view in every chapter, bringing an unparalleled continuity to the learning process. The book combines an inviting, conversational style with the latest scholarly research and examples that reflect recent global developments. This edition's comprehensive set of cases from Peng and other respected international experts examines how companies throughout the world have expanded globally. All-new video cases that cover each chapter's opening case and closing case, world maps that connect geography and culture to business decisions, and unique global debate sections that draw students into cutting-edge discussions help you teach students to think independently and view business challenges from a truly global perspective. Global Business, 4th Edition's comprehensive package, including the MindTap, a personalized classroom management experience that promotes better outcomes with relevant assignments that guide students to analyze, apply, and improve thinking while you measure skills and outcomes with ease.

New to this Edition
  • Enhanced Focus on Emerging Markets: Mike Peng brings a new focus on emerging markets to this edition, encompassing both the emerging economies that major multinationals are finding increasingly attractive and the up-and-coming multinational firms headquartered in those emerging economies. GLOBAL BUSINESS, 4th Edition, includes numerous special "Emerging Markets" features on companies such as The (new) East India Company, Wal-Mart in Brazil, Gulfstream in China, and Pearl River Pianos' multinational expansion, as well as exploring topics such as the future of the global economy in 2050, the peril and promise of Russia, the future of Cuba, Indian FDI in the UK, Chinese exporters in Africa, and the Ebola challenge.

  • New Videos: As a new video feature (and the first in the industry), GLOBAL BUSINESS, 4th Edition, introduces videos to support the Opening Case and Closing Case of every chapter. Strengthening key learning objectives for every chapter, these up-to-date real-world examples address topics such as the future of the global economy, LEGO's secrets, the story behind Sriracha, the rise of Alibaba, Germany's unhappiness about EU bailouts, and many more. Videos complement the Opening and Closing Cases and add perspective to the narrative and data presented in the cases. A complete Video Guide is available to assist instructors in integrating this resource into classroom presentations.

  • New Articles and Insights: News articles have been selected to give students greater understanding and alternative perspectives about the cases. Business Insights provide a resource to access industry and company information, as well as news and other information that can make the case assignments more enriching.

  • New Cases: With 28 Integrative Cases, the fourth edition of GLOBAL BUSINESS features more Integrative Cases than prior editions. Such a significant expansion of case selection enables students to examine a more diverse set of current and important global business phenomena, such as reverse innovation from the base of the pyramid; the future of Cuba; political risk of doing business in Thailand, from offshoring to reshoring; recommendations to enhance UK export competitiveness; the myth behind China's OFDI; and the antitrust case on the AT&T-T-Mobile merger. There is also more Author Involvement in Case Writing: Professor Peng has devoted a significant amount of efforts in case writing. He has authored 16 of the 28 Integrative Cases.

  • Updated Examples: Nearly all of the real-world examples found in every chapter's Opening Cases, Closing Cases, and In Focus features are new. The book covers everything from well-known names like Apple, Fiat Chrysler, LEGO, McDonald's, Samsung, and Toyota, to less-familiar but emerging powerhouses, including Alibaba, Emirates, Etihad, Foxconn, Natura, and Sriracha.

  • Extra Focus on Culture: Ethics and ethical issues have always been addressed throughout the book, but now there is an extra focus on culture as well. Culture-based questions have been added to the end-of-chapter review and discussion questions to help students develop international cultural literacy.

Publication Date:
Cengage Learning
4th Edition

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