The fan-favorite phenomenon returns with new stories of sex, lies, and...superpowers! Meet the Meta Legion, the world's foremost faction of crime-fighting capes. But what happens when the masks come off and the heroes are faced with the sordid problems of everyday life in the suburbs? The members of the Meta Legion decided to protect their families and loved ones from their enemies by sequestering them in one quiet suburban neighborhood. But just because they've banded together, doesn't mean they like each other... From rising star writer Grace Randolph (Nation X) and hot new talent Russell Dauterman, GRACE RANDOLPH'S SUPURBIA is a unique new twist on the superhero genre that appeals to both die-hard fans and readers completely new to comics. Don't miss out on what Bleeding Cool called "The Superhero Comic We've Been Waiting For"!
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The fan-favorite phenomenon returns with new stories of sex, lies, and...superpowers! Meet the Meta Legion, the world's foremost faction of crime-fighting capes. But what happens when the masks come off and the heroes are faced with the sordid problems of everyday life in the suburbs? The members of the Meta Legion decided to protect their families and loved ones from their enemies by sequestering them in one quiet suburban neighborhood. But just because they've banded together, doesn't mean they like each other... From rising star writer Grace Randolph (Nation X) and hot new talent Russell Dauterman, GRACE RANDOLPH'S SUPURBIA is a unique new twist on the superhero genre that appeals to both die-hard fans and readers completely new to comics. Don't miss out on what Bleeding Cool called "The Superhero Comic We've Been Waiting For"!
- 9781608863181
- 9781608863181
- Category:
- Graphic Novels
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 06-08-2013
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Boom! Studios
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Pages:
- 112
- Dimensions (mm):
- 254x178x8mm
- Weight:
- 0.3kg
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