A sensational short story collection in the expansive universe of HALO, the New York Times bestselling series!Launch once more into galaxy-spanning conflict and legendary heroism...shards of an ever-expanding journey where human and alien alike find their finest hours in facing their greatest challenges. These scattered stories span untold millennia, from the age of the ancient custodial race known as the Forerunners...to the aftermath of the Covenant's bloody war against humanity...and even the shocking events surrounding the resurrection of the mysterious Guardians. Halo: Fractures explores mythic tales of bravery and sacrifice that blaze brightly at the very heart of the Halo universe. Featuring electrifying works from such acclaimed authors as: Tobias Buckell - Troy Denning - Matt Forbeck - Kelly Gay - Christie Golden - Kevin Grace - Morgan Lockhart - John Jackson Miller - Frank O'Connor - Brian Reed - Joseph Staten - James Swallow
- 9781501140679
- 9781501140679
- Short stories
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Gallery Books
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Dimensions (mm):
- 209.55x134.92x27.94mm
- Weight:
- 0.39kg
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