Proceedings in the Commercial List, the Technology and Construction List, and the Commercial Arbitration List of the Supreme Court of New South Wales together provide for the expeditious disposition of causes arising out of commercial transactions, building and engineering work, and commercial arbitration. Viewed as a whole, these three Lists effectively comprise the commercial court. There is some overlap with the Corporations List and the Real Property List.
This book intended to be a practical tool for the benefit of those who practise in the commercial jurisdiction. It provides guidance as to the practical operation of the three Lists by covering aspects of procedure not discoverable on the face of the rules or practice directions.
This second edition has been revised throughout. It also contains information on the Corporations List and the Real Property List and about case management changes that were necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Drawing on his deep knowledge and experience of case management, the author gives clear explanations on appropriate procedural matters to enable practitioners to further the goal of securing the just, quick and economic disposal of proceedings. The clear and authoritative commentary is the essential information for practitioners operating in the commercial jurisdiction.
- Essential information for effective court appearance and case management
- Authoritative
- Practical
- Taylor, Bellew, Meek & Elms, Ritchie's Uniform Civil Procedure New South Wales, LexisNexis
- Zuckerman et al, Zuckerman on Australian Civil Procedure, 2018
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