Economic organization is regarded both as a subject of inquiry and as an emerging disciplinary field in its own right, integrating insights from economics, organization theory, strategy and management, economic sociology and cognitive psychology. The contributors, who share this integrated approach, are distinguished scholars at the productive peak in their fields. Each original, state-of-the art chapter not only addresses foundational issues, but also identifies key issues for future research.
This original and wide-ranging Handbookwill be a useful and thought-provoking read for academics, students and researchers in the fields of organization, management and economics.
Contributors: N. Argyres, M.M. Blair, G. Bonifati, R.M. Burton, M.G. Colombo, L. Feng, N.J. Foss, B.S. Frey, V.P. Goldberg, A. Grandori, G. Hendrikse, J.-F. Hennart, G.M. Hodgson, A. Holl, B.E. Kaufman, P.G. Klein, P.H. Kriss, K.R. Lakhani, J.-E. Lane, R. Leoni, H. Lifshitz-Assaf, S. Lindenberg, J.T. Mahoney, S.E. Masten, B. Obel, M. Osterloh, U. Pagano, J. Pencavel, P. Puranam, R. Rama, M. Raveendran, C. Rossi-Lamastra, L. Sacconi, R. Sanchez, M.L. Tushman, M. Villani, M. Warglien, R. Weber, J. Windsperger, T.R. Zenger
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