- Peter M. Jackson, University of Leicester, UK'This sweeping, comprehensive volume is a signal effort in building bridges between economics and organization theory. With a stellar cast of contributors, it will both inspire and provoke scholars with its grand amibitions, and generate considerable attention and debate. A remarkable effort by Anna Grandori.'
- Walter W. Powell, Stanford University, US
'Anna Grandori has astutely organized the commissioned chapters of an intellectually diverse set of scholars into an absolutely outstanding contribution that both defines the current state of organizational economics and points the perceptive reader toward an exciting intellectual future. From traditional research areas to the newest topics of interest, the chapters chart the current boundaries of the field. The chapters are filled with gems of insight across several distinct levels of analysis, whether it is a discussion of organizational design, or psychological economics or innovation or the organization as language, the discussions are contemporary, comprehensive and challenging. No serious scholar of organizational economics should be without this book.'
- Richard N. Osborn, Wayne State University, US
This comprehensive and groundbreaking Handbook integrates economic and organization theories to help elucidate the design and evolution of economic organization.
Economic organization is regarded both as a subject of inquiry and as an emerging disciplinary field in its own right, integrating insights from economics, organization theory, strategy and management, economic sociology and cognitive psychology. The contributors, who share this integrated approach, are distinguished scholars at the productive peak in their fields. Each original, state-of-the art chapter not only addresses foundational issues, but also identifies key issues for future research.
This original and wide-ranging Handbook will be a useful and thought-provoking read for academics, students and researchers in the fields of organization, management and economics.
Contributors: N. Argyres, M.M. Blair, G. Bonifati, R.M. Burton, M.G. Colombo, L. Feng, N.J. Foss, B.S. Frey, V.P. Goldberg, A. Grandori, G. Hendrikse, J.-F. Hennart, G.M. Hodgson, A. Holl, B.E. Kaufman, P.G. Klein, P.H. Kriss, K.R. Lakhani, J.-E. Lane, R. Leoni, H. Lifshitz-Assaf, S. Lindenberg, J.T. Mahoney, S.E. Masten, B. Obel, M. Osterloh, U. Pagano, J. Pencavel, P. Puranam, R. Rama, M. Raveendran, C. Rossi-Lamastra, L. Sacconi, R. Sanchez, M.L. Tushman, M. Villani, M. Warglien, R. Weber, J. Windsperger, T.R. Zenger
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