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Haunted Futures

Haunted Futures

by Liesel SchwarzS. L. Huang Greg Stolze and others
Publication Date: 02/05/2017

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It's a treacherous region, the future. You can't see far, and the footing is uncertain at best. Ghosts and phantoms stalk the haze around you, and their chittering will lead you astray. There are no maps to this territory, but sometimes a brave soul strides out ahead into the haunted shadows. Those who return to the campfire of the now often bear tales of the visions seared into their minds while they were out there, in the mists. We have scoured the earth for these most daring of travellers - the ones who have ventured out into the future and returned wraith-laden. Fifteen of them agreed to share their stories. Their enthralling accounts will seize you, and you might find it difficult to fight free of them afterwards, but any risks are overshadowed by the dazzling wonders that await. So muster your courage, and dive into the pages. Haunted Futures of all kinds await you, with open arms and suspiciously toothy smiles.
Anthologies (non-poetry)
Publication Date:
Ghostwoods Books
Country of origin:
United Kingdom
Dimensions (mm):
S. L. Huang

S. L. Huang has a math degree from MIT and is a weapons expert and professional stuntwoman who has worked in Hollywood on Battlestar Galactica and a number of other productions.

Huang's short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Nature, Daily Science Fiction, and The Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy 2016. She is the author of Zero Sum Game, Null Set, and Critical Point.

Warren Ellis

Warren Ellis is a comics and graphic novel writer best known for the graphic novel series Transmetropolitan, The Authority and Planetary.

With over 35 graphic novels in print, Ellis has received numerous accolades, including winner of the International Horror Guild award for graphic narrative and being named one of Entertainment Weekly's 100 Most Creative People.

Rolling Stone described his work as "more influenced by Jesus and Mary Chain than by the Justice League, while his characters fight for left-wing agendas over God and country, and kick puppies in the street."

Jeff Noon

Jeff Noon is an award-winning British novelist, short story writer, and playwright. He won the Arthur C Clarke Award for Vurt, the John W Campbell award for Best New Writer, a Tinniswood Award for innovation in radio drama, and the Mobil prize for playwriting.

He was trained in the visual arts, and was musically active on the punk scene before starting to write plays for the theatre. His work spans SF and fantasy genres, exploring the ever-changing borderzone between genre fiction and the avant-garde.

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