This is the general or historical portion of probably the Rarest and MOST VALUABLE set of books ever published on the state of Kentucky and its early families. Like most works of this kind, this edition contains a history of the state with its ties to early Virginia; these are followed by varying appendices one of which contains a listing of both Federal and Confederate troops in service from Kentucky. This is an extremely detailed and complete history of the state covering such things as: Origin and Development of the First Colony in Virginia, Virginia as a Dependency of the Crown, Beyond the Alleghenies - Virginia's conquest in the West, Exploration and First settlement of Kentucky, the Colonization of Kentucky, Kentucky's part in the Revolutionary War, the Pioneers and Pioneer Days, Indians, early Politics and and extension of Frontier lines, Kentucky's involvement with the Annexation of Texas and the War with Mexico, considerable amounts of information and data on Kentucky's involvement in the Civil War, Genealogy of the Boone Family, First Platt of Louisville, Names of First Settlers, Indian Grants to Whites, Boonesborough, the Girty Famiyl; Land Titles, and etc....... The NEW FULL NAME Index for this reprint has approximately 7,000 entries.

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