In this fast-reading book, we show you:
The eight questions every grant review committee asks
How to garner more money for program operations
How to thoroughly address the concerns of grant review committee
How to answer all eight questions so that you get more grants funded at the level you request
How to Answer the Eight Questions Every Grant Review Committee Asks is written for busy executive directors, development professionals, and board members who want to grow their missions by increasing their annual grant income. As a Nonprofit Quick Guide(TM), you can read it in one sitting or grab a few chapters over lunch. More importantly, it gives you practical advice that you can easily implement without spending a ton of money.
The authors help you:
Submit a compelling case for support
Imbed a strong competitive advantage into your proposal
Gain a reputation for excellence within the funding community
Drastically improve your grant-seeking results
You will learn how to craft a first-rate needs section and develop a program description that builds on your needs statements, readies you to measure impact, and prepares you to craft a budget. You will learn how to define more than financial success, effectively measure it, and project it throughout your narrative. We tell you how to craft grant budgets, evidence strong community support, and demonstrate sustainability. We also talk about what a unique marketing position statement is and how to use it to a compelling advantage. We wrap up the book by talking about where in the grant proposal the answers to the eight questions typically appear.
Written as part of the Nonprofit Quick Guide series, How to Answer the Eight Questions Every Grant Review Committee Asks focuses on generating revenues specifically through grant writing. Other books in the series address other areas of fundraising, such as development planning, donor acquisition and retention, corporate contributions, fundraising communications, board membership, volunteerism, and career advancement, among others.
If you want to grow revenues to keep up with increasing costs, improve financial performance and stability, or have greater ability to meet or grow client demand, the Nonprofit Quick Guide series is for you.
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