From the very first edition, Human Anatomy & Physiology has been recognised for its engaging, conversational writing style, easy-to-follow figures, and its unique clinical insights. The 12th Edition continues the authors' tradition of innovation, building upon what makes this the text used by more schools than any other A&P title and addressing the most effective ways students learn.
New to this edition
Homeostatic Imbalance discussions alert students to the consequences of body systems not functioning optimally. Relevant photos have been added to selected discussions for visual reinforcement. These sections discuss many common pathological conditions as a way of clarifying and illuminating normal body function. Every Homeostatic Imbalance feature has an assignable clinical question in Mastering A&P.
Relevant clinical photos have been added to selected discussions for visual reinforcement.
Focus Figure 'Mini Animation' Coaching Activities bring the 6 new Focus Figures to life and help students build visualisation skills using short video segments. Additional multi-part coaching activities can be assigned for the book's 20 other Focus Figures.
Building Vocabulary Coaching Activities give students a fun way to learn word roots and A&P terminology while building and practicing important language skills.
Concept Map Coaching Activities support the concept maps in the text and help students practice concept mapping skills without requiring them to submit their own concept map for grading.
NCLEX-Style Questions give students practice answering the kinds of clinical problem-solving questions that will eventually appear on a licensing exam.
Art-Labeling and Art-Based Questions give students practice identifying structures and process steps using art from the book. Art labeling are drag-and-drop activities that allow students to assess their knowledge of terms and structures as well as the order of steps and elements involved in physiological processes. Art-based questions are conceptual questions related to art that coach students with wrong-answer feedback.
Additional assignments include A&P Flix Coaching Activities, which offer stunning 3D visuals of core and complex concepts with in-depth assessments to test student understanding; Making Connections Questions which challenge students to relate different concepts across body systems and chapters; and a variety of Clinical Application Assignments (Clinical Case Study Coaching Activities, Nurses Need Physiology Coaching Activities, and Homeostatic Imbalance Reading Questions) that challenge students to apply their knowledge to clinical problem solving.
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