For one-semester courses in human anatomy.
Human Anatomy, the best-selling textbook for the human anatomy course, is widely regarded as the most readable and visually accessible book on the market. Using a functional anatomy theme, the text presents human anatomy as a well-illustrated 'story' with the right amount of detail that learners can understand at an introductory level. Analogies and comparative descriptions make anatomical structures more memorable and understandable and explain how the shape and composition of structures allow them to perform their functions.
The 9th Edition features new exercises and questions that help students learn and use anatomical language and interpret real-world medical images while learning basic human anatomy. Building on the functional anatomy approach of previous editions, selected illustrated tables have been enhanced to tell a more cohesive and logical 'story' of human anatomy. Pearson MyLab is the world's leading online self-study, homework, tutorial and assessment product designed with a single purpose in mind: to improve the results of all higher education students, one student at a time.
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Unique Focus Figures help students grasp tough topics in anatomy by walking them through carefully developed illustrations that teach key concepts. These large, dramatic layouts provide a context for understanding each concept or process.
Side-by-side presentations of artwork with cadaver or photomicrographs help students connect lecture images with key anatomical structures that they may see in the lab.
New to this edition A manageable framework of introductory concepts makes it easier for students to learn anatomical language and to visualise structures
Roots to Remember vocabulary exercises open each chapter and teach students a strategic and logical way to learn the language of anatomy instead of relying on rote memorisation. These activities can be assigned in Pearson Mastering A&P to provide additional practice working with word roots and anatomical terms in context.
Reorganised - Selected illustrated tables with an improved design emphasise the story of different structures and help students focus on 'big picture' concepts before exploring the detailed information presented in the tables. Examples include:
Several descriptions are rearranged into bulleted lists with key terms in boldface type to help students more clearly distinguish common functions among groups of structures.
Muscle tables now open with a functional overview of each muscle group to provide a logical foundation for learning the details about the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of each muscle that is presented in the table.
Help students make connections between body systems, regional anatomy, and clinical examples
Interpreting Medical Images questions have been added to selected figures to give students practice analysing the kinds of images that they are likely to use in a health care setting, including X-ray, MRI, PET, and more.
Updated - Clinical Applications are woven into the text at appropriate places, with longer discussions set off in A Closer Look essays. New research updates include advances in cancer treatments (Chapter 4), transdermal drug delivery (Chapter 5), medications in clinical trials (Chapter 6), discoveries about dietary supplements (Chapter 10), and recent breakthroughs in strengthening synapses through learning and associating synaptic pruning with the development of schizophrenia (Chapter 12).
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