In the first part of the book, the authors lay out some key ideas about humanizing mathematics education for students with disabilities. As teachers of mathematics of teacher educators and students with disabilities, as well as with their own backgrounds as learners with identified disabilities, the authors' case and perspective are informed by hands-on episodes of their work and their own lived experiences.
Foundational to the authors' advocacy are these compelling concepts:
- Students with disabilities are mathematics doers and thinkers.
- There are multiple ways of knowing and doing mathematics.
- The idea that disability is a tragedy must be resisted.
- Humanizing mathematics education is a matter of human rights to counter conventional, deficit-centered forms of education involving students with disabilities.
- Humanizing the mathematics education of students with disabilities enhances the learning of all.
Humanizing Disability in Mathematics Education: Forging New Paths offers an inclusive way to think about mathematics education involving individuals with disabilities. It goes beyond the walls of the mathematics classrooms to address issues of dignity, access, and empowerment. For those whose mission it is to bring meaningful mathematics to each and every student, it is a must-have reference for your professional library.
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