Chapter 1: Evolution, distribution, and economic importance of the camels
Part I Viral Diseases of Dromedary Camels
Chapter 2: Camel pox
Chapter 3: Camel Contagious Ecthyma
Chapter 4: Camel papillomatosis
Chapter 5: Rabies
Chapter 6: Peste des petits ruminants (PPR)
Chapter 7: Rift Valley Fever
Chapter 8: MERS-CoV infection
Chapter 9: Camel prion disease (CPrD)
Part II Bacterial Diseases of Dromedary Camels
Chapter 10: Anthrax
Chapter 11: Botulism
Chapter 12: Brucellosis (Brucella abortus and Br. meletensis)
Chapter 13: Caseous Lymphadenitis (Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis)
Chapter 14: Chlamydiosis (Chlamydophila abortus)
Chapter 15: Clostridial Enterotoxaemia
Chapter 16: Colibacillosis
Chapter 17: Contagious Skin Necrosis (CSN)
Chapter 18: Coxiellosis (Q-Fever) (Coxiella burnetii Infection)
Chapter 19: Dermatophilosis (Dermatophilus congolensis)
Chapter 20: Endotoxicosis in Camels (Hemorrhagic disease; Hemorrhagic Diathesis; Bodus cereus Intoxication)
Chapter 21: Burkholderiosis (Glander's Disease)
Chapter 22: Leptospirosis (Weil's Disease)
Chapter 23: Listeriosis (Circling Disease)
Chapter 24: Mastitis
Chapter 25: Melioidosis (Whitmore Disease; Burkholderia pseudomallei Infection)
Chapter 26: Mycoplasmosis
Chapter 27: Paratuberculosis (Johne's Disease)
Chapter 28: Pasteurellosis (Hemorrhagic Septicemia)
Chapter 29: Rickettsial Diseases
Chapter 30: Salmonellosis
Chapter 31: Tetanus (Clostridium tetani)
Chapter 32: Tuberculosis
Chapter 33: Yersinia pestis (Camel Plague)
Part III Fungal Diseases of Dromedary Camels
Chapter 34: Ringworm (Dermatomycosis)
Chapter 35: Aspergillosis
Chapter 36: Candidiosis (Moniliasis)
Chapter 37: Cryptococcosis
Part IV Ectoparasitic Diseases of Dromedary Camels
Chapter 38: Mange Mite Infestation (Sarcoptes, Demodex, Psoroptes and Chorioptes)
Chapter 39: Tick Infestation
Chapter 40: Fly infestation (Myiasis)
Chapter 41: Louse and Flea Infestations
Part V Endoparasitic Diseases of Dromedary Camels
Chapter 42: Gastrointestinal Helminths (Haemonchosis)
Chapter 43: Extra-intestinal Helminths
Chapter 44: Gastrointestinal and Tissue Protozoa
Chapter 45: Endoparasitic arthropds
Part VI Blood Parasites of Dromedary Camels
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