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Information Security

Information Security

11th International Conference, ISC 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, September 15-18, 2008, Proceedings

by Tzong-Chen WuChin-Laung Lei Vincent Rijmen and others
Publication Date: 25/08/2008

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The 11th Information Security Conference (ISC 2008) was held in Taipei, T- wan, September 15-18,2008. ISC is an annual international conference covering researchintheoryandapplicationsofinformationsecurity.Itwas?rstinitiatedas a workshop(ISW) in Japan in 1997.This was followed by ISW 1999 in Malaysia and ISW 2000 in Australia. ISW became ISC when it was held in Spain in 2001 (ISC2001).ThelatestconferenceswereheldinBrazil(ISC2002),UK(ISC2003), USA(ISC2004),Singapore(ISC2005),Greece(ISC2006),andChile(ISC2007). ThisyeartheeventwassponsoredbytheChineseCryptologyandInformation- curity Association (Taiwan), the Taiwan Information Security Center of the - searchCenterforITInnovation(AcademiaSinica,Taiwan),theNationalTaiwan UniversityofScience andTechnology(Taiwan),the NTUCenterfor Information and Electronics Technologies(Taiwan), Academia Sinica (Taiwan), the National ScienceCouncil(Taiwan),the MinistryofEducation(Taiwan),the TaipeiCh- terofthe IEEEComputerSociety (Taiwan),BankProE-serviceTechnologyCo., Ltd.(Taiwan),ExsiorData &InformationTechnology,Inc.(Taiwan),Giga-Byte EducationFoundation(Taiwan),Hewlett-PackardTaiwan,HivocalTechnologies, Co.,Ltd.(
Taiwan),MicrosoftTaiwan,PaysecureTechnologyCo.,Ltd.(Taiwan), Symlink(Taiwan),and Yahoo!TaiwanHoldingsLimited(TaiwanBranch). In order to cover the conference's broad scope, this year's main Program Committee consisted of 61 experts from 22 countries. Additionally, the c- ference also featured a special AES Subcommittee, chaired by Vincent Rijmen (Graz University of Technology, Austria). Theconferencereceived134submissions from31countries,33(including 4 in the AES special session) of which were selected by the committee members for presentation at the conference, based on quality, originality and relevance. Each paperwasanonymouslyreviewedbyatleastthreecommitteemembers.Inorderto encourageandpromotestudentparticipation,theISC2008ProgramCommittee selected three student-coauthored papers for the Best Student Paper award,one fromeachregion:Asia,Europe,andtheAmericas.Thepaperswere,respectively, "Deterministic Constructions of 21-Step Collisions for the SHA-2 Hash Family," bySomitraSanadhyaandPalashSarkar(IndianStatisticalInstitute,India),"C- lisions for RC4-Hash," by Sebastiaan Indesteege and Bart Preneel (Katholieke UniversiteitLeuven,Belgium),and"ProxyRe-signaturesintheStandardModel," byShermanS.
M. Chow(New YorkUniversity,USA) andRaphaelPhan(Lou- borough University, UK). The program also included invited speeches by Doug Tygar(UC Berkeley,USA) andTatsuakiOkamoto(NTT, Japan). Many people helped to make ISC 2008 successful. We would like to thank all thosewhocontributedtothetechnicalprogramandtoorganizingtheconference.
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