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Integral Representations For Spatial Models of Mathematical Physics

Integral Representations For Spatial Models of Mathematical Physics

by Vladislav V Kravchenko and Michael Shapiro
Publication Date: 27/06/1996

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This book provides a new mathematical theory for the treatment of an ample series of spatial problems of electrodynamics, particle physics, quantum mechanics and elasticity theory. This technique proves to be as powerful for solving the spatial problems of mathematical physics as complex analysis is for solving planar problems.The main analytic tool of the book, a non-harmonic version of hypercomplex analysis recently developed by the authors, is presented in detail. There are given applications of this theory to the boundary value problems of electrodynamics and elasticity theory as well as to the problem of quark confinement. A new approach to the linearization of special classes of the self-duality equation is also considered. Detailed proofs are given throughout. The book contains an extensive bibliography on closely related topics.This book will be of particular interest to academic and professional specialists and students in mathematics and physics who are interested in integral representations for partial differential equations. The book is self-contained and could be used as a main reference for special course seminars on the subject.
Maths for scientists
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Taylor & Francis Ltd
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United Kingdom
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