Intellectual Property: Cases, Materials and Commentary is a comprehensive casebook that allows the reader to gain an in-depth understanding of all aspects of intellectual property law. The book provides extensive expert commentary and analysis, supported by extracts from key cases and pertinent secondary sources. Questions of policy are examined and discussed throughout the text, linking the various materials and presenting them in a meaningful context.
Features - The combination of commentary, secondary sources and case extracts makes content clearly accessible
- Detailed notes help the reader understand the significance of the cases and other materials
- Further reading provides a springboard for research and deeper learning
- Questions throughout challenge the reader and provide a deeper analysis
Related Titles - Collins & Forrest, LexisNexis Study Guide Intellectual Property Law, 2nd ed, 2014
- LexisNexis Legislation Series: Intellectual Property Collection, 2019
- Roy, Quick Reference Card Intellectual Property, 2011
- van Caenegem, Intellectual and Industrial Property in Australia, 3rd ed, 2019
- Stewart et al, Intellectual Property in Australia, 6th ed, 2017
- 9780409348613
- 9780409348613
- Intellectual property law
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- LexisNexis Butterworths Australia
- Country of origin:
- Australia
- Edition:
- 6th Edition
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