The seventh edition has been fully revised and updated to include recent developments in case law and legislation, including the following:
- introduction of the ‘patent box’ tax concession
- introduction of ‘exclusive licensees’ and a grace period into the Designs Act
- proposed Copyright Act amendments regarding orphan works
- ‘patent exhaustion’ taking over from the ‘implied licence principle’
- Full Federal Court consideration of ‘artificial intelligence’ as an inventor
- proposed amendments to the law relating to unfair contract terms;
- repeal of intellectual property protections in Competition and Consumer Act s 51(3)
- introduction of new Trade Marks Act s 122A to prevent trade mark owners from artificially restricting parallel imports
- important trade mark decisions including:
-Hashtag Burgers Pty Ltd v In-N-Out Burgers, Inc (2020)
-Allergan Australia Pty Ltd v Self Care IP Holdings Pty Ltd (2021)
-Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC v Bega Cheese Ltd (2020)
- Authoritative author team
- Clear and accessible commentary
- Covers both the law and its commercial application
- Provides insights into potential reform
- Ricketson, Richardson & Huang, Intellectual Property: Cases, Materials and Commentary, 6th ed, 2020
- Roy, Quick Reference Card: Intellectual Property, 2nd ed, 2021
- Stoianoff, Chilton & Monotti, Commercialisation of Intellectual Property, 2019
- van Caenegem, Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, 3rd ed, 2019
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