If your mathematical background is only high school calculus you could well believe that mathematics is only about numbers functions and formulas for solving problems. If this is the case, the topics in this book may be quite a surprise because for mathemati cians, computer scientists and engineers, Discrete Mathematics includes logic, set theory, enumeration, networks, automata, for mal languages and many other discrete structures. That is what this book is about.
On the other hand, in 19 lectures we can only present an introduction to the subject and we must leave other important topics such as graph theory, error-correcting codes, discrete probability theory and applications to theoretical computer science to a sec ond or third course.
The topics covered are set theory, logic, Boolean algebra, count ing, generating functions, recurrence relations, finite automata and formal languages with a lot of emphasis on counting.
The set theory and logic is basic material which will be useful many courses besides Discrete Mathematics. Counting problems which look quite hard when stated in ordinary English can often be solved easily when translated into the language of set theory. We give many examples that reduce to counting the number of functions of various types between sets, or counting the number of subsets of a set.
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