In his comprehensive course on investing, Campbell will teach you a proven, straightforward strategy that will help you take control of your investments and invest successfully. Do you, like most people, fear losing money in the stock market? Do you know why the stock market always reaches a new high? Understanding these principles will give you the confidence you need to get through the ups and downs of the market.
Investing Profitably provides sensible and time-tested wisdom on planning your investments over a lifetime. Forgoing the trends and fast money schemes, Campbell's lifelong career at Goldman Sachs has given him great insight into how to diminish fear with knowledge and develop a lasting strategy to maximize your return.
Written as a letter and gift to his five grandchildren, this book provides a vital foundation in investing for people of all ages and stages in life. Included are three Recommended Portfolios, likely to perform better over a lifetime than similar, actively managed funds because of their tax-efficient, negligible expense, and diversified index funds. A sound strategy balanced through saving, investing, and tax-deferred compounding is carefully explained to help you increase your investments successfully and profitably.
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