Joy in Every Moment 1
Mindful Exercises for Waking to the Wonders of Ordinary Life
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- 9781612125114
- 9781612125114
- Category:
- Mind
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 03-11-2015
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Storey Publishing LLC
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Dimensions (mm):
- 178x152x20mm
- Weight:
- 0.31kg
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1 Review
Joy. Endless joy. Unceasing, unremitting, terrible joy. My capacity for joy has been so expanded my face hurts from smiling. I'm dehydrated, my cheeks are sore, from the tears of happiness that stream continuously from my burning eyes. Every waking moment is filled with undifferentiated wonder at every. Single. Thing. It's all joyous and excruciatingly wonderful and make it stop. Please. I want to sleep, but the joy. Oh, the joy. If I sleep I will miss so many wonderful moments. Like this one. And this one. Joyous.
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