La famosa bruja Petra de los Tornados participa, junto con un montón de otras brujas, en un concurso de talentos que tiene lugar en la Mansión Luna. La ganadora será la elegida por el mago Linus para vivir bajo su tutela y ser su aprendiz. Qué gran oportunidad! El mago Linus es un ser excepcional. Pero cuando Petra resulta elegida descubrirá que no todo es como parece y que las escobas no siempre esta tan llenas de posibilidades.
Un bonito homenaje a todas las mujeres que crecieron y trabajaron a la sombra, y que lucharon por obtener un merecido reconocimiento de su trabajo. Esta aventura de Petra es divertida, pero tiene, como siempre, un contenido serio y trascendente.
"Linus, the great wizard, will choose the best witch to become his apprentice and assistant. Those interested are asked to gather at the lunar gardens at midnight."
The famous witch Petra of Tornados joins the competition, along with a bunch of other witches, in a talent contest that takes place in the Luna Mansion. The winner will be chosen by the great magician Linus to live under his wing and be his apprentice. What a great opportunity! The great magician Linus is exceptional! But when Petra is chosen, she will discover that not everything is as it seems and that brooms are not always so full of possibilities.
A nice tribute to all the women who grew up and worked in the shadows, and who fought to get their work the recognition it deserved. This Petra adventure is fun, but it also has a thoughtful and meaningful message.
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