Hagan, Lesniewski, Woodward: Probability Distribution in the SABR Model of Stochastic Volatility.- Paulot: Asymptotic Implied Volatility at the Second Order with Application to the SABR Model.- Henry-Labordere: Unifying the BGM and SABR Models: A Short Ride in Hyperbolic Geometry.- Ben Arous, Laurence: Second Order Expansion for Implied Volatility in Two Factor Local-stochastic Volatility.- Osajima: General Asymptotics of Wiener Functionals and Application to Implied Volatilities.- Bayer, Laurence: Small-time asymptotics for the at-the-money implied volatility in a multi-dimensional local volatility model.- Keller-Ressel, Teichmann: A Remark on Gatheral's 'Most-likely Path Approximation' of Implied Volatility.- Gatheral, Wang: Implied volatility from local volatility: a path integral approach.- Gerhold, Friz: Don't Stay Local - Extrapolation Analytics for Dupire's Local Volatility.- Gulisashvili, Teichmann: Laplace Principle Expansions and Short Time Asymptotics for Affine Processes.- Lorig, Pascucci, Pagliarani: Asymptotics for d-dimensional Levy-type Processes.- Takahashi: An Asymptotic Expansion Approach in Finance.- Baudoin, Ouyang: On small time asymptotics for rough differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motions.- Lucic: On singularities in the Heston model.- Bayer, Friz, Laurence: On the probability density function of baskets.- Conforti, De Marco, Deuschel: On small-noise equations with degenerate limiting system arising from volatility models.- Pham: Long time asymptotic problems for optimal investment.- Spiliopoulos: Systemic Risk and Default Clustering for Large Financial Systems.- Jacod, Rosenbaum: Asymptotic Properties of a Volatility Estimator.

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