Set in the same dark, magical world as Garth Nix's award-winning Sabriel, this is a spellbinding tale of discovery, destiny and danger, from an exceptional fantasy talent.
Dark forces are abroad once more in the Old Kingdom. Lirael, solitary daughter of the Clayr, and Sameth, the reluctant Abhorsen-in-Waiting, both seek the same man who may hold the key to an ancient evil stirring in the West. But the Dead cannot be laid to rest until the strange secret linking the fate of Lirael and Sameth is revealed.
'A riveting sequel to his acclaimed Sabriel . Readers who like their fantasy intense in action, magisterial in scope, and apocalyptic in consequences will revel in every word.' - KIRKUS REVIEWS
'What makes Lirael a delight is the magic that Nix brings to his story and to his characters. It is filled with twists and turns, playful inventiveness and dark magic, and is sure to satisfy his many readers.' - LOCUS
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