There was a time, roughly 5000 years ago, when SHE Power reigned and lady landscapes were revered. A time when the space between a woman's thighs was considered a power portal with a direct hookup to Source.
Love Your Lady Landscape is a healing journey through the terrain of what it is to be a woman. When a woman isn't in alignment with her feminine essence, she may experience exhaustion and overwhelm, lack sexual desire or passion for life, and generally feel "out of sync".
- explore self-pleasure and sensuality
- understand, read, and connect with your body's signs and signals
- learn about your menstrual cycle and its connection with the rhythms of nature and the universe
- discover the sacred art of receiving
- express your creativity
- find your voice to communicate your needs, wants, and desires Love Your Lady Landscape will move women into a fiercely loving and healing relationship with their body and will teach them how to use its cycles and signs to create a life of vitality, fulfillment, and creation.
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