This newly discovered information was deciphered by a seasoned detective when he deconstructed the 2000 year old biblical scripture line by line, and verse by verse. All Christians, who number in the billions today, will be stunned and perplexed by his findings, especially all the ministers who promote the Bible as the true word of God. Some of it is, and some of it isn't; nevertheless, this book identifies God's true word in Isaiah and Daniel, and it even illustrates the exactness and preciseness of His word (plus other prophetic scripture), by the use of numerous exhibits - since the detective believes a picture is worth a 1000 words. Christ flipped over the tables of the money changers signifying the coming end to the desolation that existed in the Jewish Temple. In like manner, the detective has upset an applecart full of false beliefs which will hopefully awaken people to the realization of Lucianity (or modern day desolation), and usher in the resurrection of true Christianity. "Christians" will learn the unvarnished truth about their ascribed beliefs for probably the first time in 2000 years, and more particularly, how they have been bamboozled and conned by a very clever disciple. The Bible is the most sold, and most read, book in the entire world, and yet, not a single person in the world has recognized the fact that at least 75% of the scripture in the New Testament is really the prodigious work of a secretive, behind the scenes, apostolic era Bishop. In his writings, Lucius used ancient manuscripts and even a book by Flavius Josephus to write various gospel chapters -- not the spoken words of Jesus. While looking over the Detective's shoulder, the reader will see and learn exactly how he identified all the fraud implanted into the pages of the Bible via easy-to-understand scriptural analysis and a variety of exhibits. As such, reading the New Testament is generally a waste of time, unless one has the persistence, capability, and patience to do a thorough, time-consuming, focused, multi-year, forensic exam like the one contained inside the pages of the book "Lucianity."
No similar criminal investigation of the Bible has ever been completed, and no similar book exists. If a person is searching for "just the facts" regarding their Christian faith, then the Detective assures all seekers of truth that they will know more about the Bible, God, Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, and Christ (i.e. the Anointed One of God) after reading Lucianity than they ever will by reading Biblical scripture. And more importantly, if they truly understand the message of Jesus Christ as revealed within the pages of
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