This is an older edition, with very few if any copies left. Please see the new Machinery's Handbook, 32nd Edition.
New to the 31st Edition
- Additive Manufacturing: Expert discussions, exploring 3D printing materials, techniques, and workflow, compare traditional machining to today's additive manufacturing processes.
- Machine Elements and Operations: Updated and expanded coverage of CAD/CAM operations, boring, nontraditional cutting methods, o-rings and glands, and transmission chains.
- Manufacturing and Materials: Additional information on utilizing today's plastics, powder metallurgy standard and tool steels, manufacturing stresses, and preventing corrosion.
- Metal Casting and Molding: New information for working with iron, steel, nonferrous metals, and alloys, metal casting and molding processes, and modeling and design considerations.
- Math, Measurement, and Dimensioning: Reorganized, revised, and expanded sections provide ready access to clear information, essential formulas, and everyday calculations and conversions.
- Metalworking Processes: More on brazing, soldering, welding, nondestructive testing, forming sheet metal, mill finishes, passivation, electropolishing, and plating.
- Threads and Threading: The latest series and selected combinations for Unified Screw Threads.
- Hundreds of Standards Updates: All ASME and ANSI standards material has been reconfirmed and revised to provide the latest industry specifications, including the game-changing ASME Y14.5-2018 standard.
- Thousands of Revisions: A world-class team of technical experts, educators, editors, and illustrators has contributed to new, revised, and updated text, tables, equations, figures.
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