The Cut, by Mike Cullen is "A real discovery, an explosive thriller...Cullen's dialogue is demotic, foul-mouthed and occasionally bitterly funny, and the sense of violence and claustrophobia is often almost unbearably intense"; The Life of Stuff - "This brutally funny piece is almost unclassifiable. Imagine a collaboration between Joe Orton and William Burroughs and you will have some idea of Simon Donald's play: a ruthlessly and compulsively hilarious dark comedy thriller"; Bondagers, by Sue Glover "A striking experience...the mastery of the play was its rich, resonant musicality...All brilliantly structured, surging - with terrific dramatic energy"; Juliet Allardyce, by Duncan McLean "It is loud, coarse-tongued and funny, a series of affectionate, but telling snapshots which add up to a revealing portrait of the North-East as it is now" (Julie Morrice, Scotland on Sunday)
Anthology of New Scottish Plays The Cut; The Life of Stuff; Bondagers; Julie Allardyce
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The Cut, by Mike Cullen is "A real discovery, an explosive thriller...Cullen's dialogue is demotic, foul-mouthed and occasionally bitterly funny, and the sense of violence and claustrophobia is often almost unbearably intense"; The Life of Stuff - "This brutally funny piece is almost unclassifiable. Imagine a collaboration between Joe Orton and William Burroughs and you will have some idea of Simon Donald's play: a ruthlessly and compulsively hilarious dark comedy thriller"; Bondagers, by Sue Glover "A striking experience...the mastery of the play was its rich, resonant musicality...All brilliantly structured, surging - with terrific dramatic energy"; Juliet Allardyce, by Duncan McLean "It is loud, coarse-tongued and funny, a series of affectionate, but telling snapshots which add up to a revealing portrait of the North-East as it is now" (Julie Morrice, Scotland on Sunday)
- 9780413691804
- 9780413691804
- Category:
- Plays
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 13-02-1995
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
- Country of origin:
- United Kingdom
- Pages:
- 248
- Dimensions (mm):
- 229x152x14mm
- Weight:
- 0.3kg
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