An anthology for Mandurah, by Mandurah, supported by Shape Mandurah.
Xanthe Turner began planning this anthology in 2018, inspired by her love of Mandurah, and the people who live here. Shape Mandurah breathed vital life into the project, and Mandurian Stories was born.
In an early call for submissions, Xanthe said:
"I want everyone in Mandurah, regardless of age or ability, to have an opportunity to express themselves."
Xanthe envisioned an anthology which would:
"... represent Mandurah as a whole, through snapshots of the individuals who live, work, and play in our beautiful city."
Xanthe shared her vision with our community, and our community shared back.
Mandurian writers, artists, and children collaborated to create a tangible
manifestation of the creative spirit of Mandurah.
The words and images in this book contain fragments of lives, facets of
experience, and aspects of unique understanding. The common thread, woven through each page, is a deep-seated appreciation for Mandurah itself.
Our collective love of this beautiful city binds us together like pages in a book.
We are all collaborators in the figurative anthology of life.
Every Mandurian deserves immense recognition for the time, passion, and effort involved in creating Mandurian Stories.
Dr. Louise Helfgott
Jo Gliddon-Baker
Annette Pesek
Julie Watts
Sarah Cole
Mary Ann Rath
Estuary Guardians Mandurah
Mandurah Dolphin Rescue Group
Michael Gorman
Kevin Lindsay Fowler Th. C. (Hons)
Mandurah Historical Society
Claire Cavanagh
Hannah O'Keefe
Karen Blake Rowe
Gail Willems
Nikky May
Maddy Mac
Caroline Julian
Isabella Robinson
Amelia Kathleen Willis
Chase Williams
River Williams
Isabel Cummins
Hailey Cummins
Bonnie Cunningham
Aaron Gwynaire
Nanci Nott
Azalia Turner
Xanthe Turner
Veronika Sajova Photography
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