When the first volumes of Heidegger's so-called "Black Notebooks" appeared in 2014, some passages concerning National Socialism and Jews aroused fierce criticism. Since then, the question has repeatedly been raised as to whether Heidegger's estate might still hold explosive material in store on the topics mentioned. To find an answer to this, a group of Heidegger scholars met several times in the Deutsches Literatur-Archiv in Marbach am Neckar to thoroughly peruse Heidegger's as yet unpublished manuscripts. The results of these sighting are now published in a report that not only presents but also interprets the findings. In addition, it contains some new information about the origin of the Complete Edition of Heidegger's writings and suggestions concerning possible supplementary volumes.
- 9783465044031
- 9783465044031
- Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- German
- Publisher:
- Verlag Vittorio Klostermann
- Country of origin:
- Germany
- Pages:
- 74
- Weight:
- 0.14kg
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