"Mastering PowerShell: Unleashing the Power of Automation" guides you through the complex world of PowerShell scripting and automation. This book, written for both rookie and expert administrators, will provide you with the information and abilities you need to fully utilise PowerShell and revolutionise your IT infrastructure.Real-world examples and practical exercises reinforce your learning and help you apply PowerShell to your own IT systems throughout the book. Whether you're in charge of a small network or a huge organisation, this book will help you optimise your operations, remove manual duties, and achieve unprecedented levels of productivity and efficiency.Chapters included:Chapter 1: Introduction to PowerShellChapter 2: Getting Started with PowerShellChapter 3: Working with Variables and Data TypesChapter 4: Controlling Flow with PowerShellChapter 5: Managing Files and FoldersChapter 6: Automating Tasks with PowerShell ScriptsChapter 7: Working with PowerShell ModulesChapter 8: Working with the Registry and the EnvironmentChapter 9: PowerShell Remoting and Background JobsChapter 10: Managing Active Directory with PowerShellChapter 11: PowerShell and Scripting for DevOpsChapter 12: PowerShell for Reporting and MonitoringChapter 13: PowerShell for Security and ComplianceChapter 14: Extending PowerShell with .NET and APIsChapter 15: Advanced PowerShell Techniques and ToolsChapter 16: PowerShell in the Future"Mastering PowerShell: Unleashing the Power of Automation" is your guide to learning PowerShell automation. Join the ranks of IT administrators and automation enthusiasts who have transformed their IT environments and become PowerShell SMEs. Use PowerShell to alter the way you manage and automate your systems.
- 9781447541721
- 9781447541721
- Object-oriented programming (OOP)
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Lulu Press Inc.
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Dimensions (mm):
- 296.93x210.06x3.56mm
- Weight:
- 0.18kg
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